Monday, June 29, 2009

News Information

I myself find it hard to watch the news, since 99% of it is always negative. The main news I keep up with is Sports Center on ESPN. And even they sometimes focus on the negatives in sports news, but usually not as much as the regular news agencies. If I do watch the news, I watch CNN. I just like the way they cover stories and most of the anchors try and give an accurate account of what is going on. I refuse to watch FOX news, they are the worst. They showed their true colors when the election process was going on. They did their best to drag Obama, and everyone associated with him, through the mud. I heard they were notorious for that but had not seen it myself before then. If there is something going on and I want to find out about it, I just Google it....

The net is so much easier, I guess that backs up the statement that Americans are lazy,lol. At any rate, all in all I really don't read the local paper, and hardly ever watch the local news. The paper is full of death and nuclear threats from other countries. While the local news always talks about who got robbed or shot, and drug houses being busted. I never see a story that says man helps starnded motorist change tire or family provides food for homeless man. I want to start a news channel that just reports on all the good that is going on in the local area. That way we can provide a positive outlook for our youth. That's just my take on the news as a whole, feel free to chime in.

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