Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Should Cell Phones be Allowed in School?

I don't think kids should have cell phones until they get their drivers licence. Think about it, a responsible adult will pretty much know where their child is until this point. Why wouldn't they? They have to drive them there, or at the very least ensure they have transportation, right? Once they start to drive on their own I can see a necessity for it, but before then there is just no need. I mean if they have an emergency in school, it's not like the school doesn't have a phone for them to use. I went to a school way out in the country, and even we had phones in every office. Thinking back I can't remember a time when I needed a cell phone in school. Maybe it's because my parents were responsible enough to pick me up on time from practice or whatever else I might have had going on. But that is probably a whole different debate in itself, so back to the topic at hand.

Cell phones are like a fad, that just didn't go away. Every where you look you see someone on a cell phone, walking, driving, eating or whatever the case may be? So we as adults think it is ok, to pass along this distractions to easily distracted children? I am 30 yrs old and when I get a text in class, I get distarcted and read it and somtimes reply. Not on time has it been an important text just some random, what's up? I see it everyday in my classes, and to me that just shows that kids don't need them in school. They need to focus on why they are there and not what's going on in another class. just a few of my opinions on the topic, I will be glad to expand if anyone has any issues or questions about what I've typed. Until next time, have a great day!

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