Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Self Review

On my first paper for 1102, I think I did a good to average job. I always feel as if my writings could be better, especially now. 12-14 years ago I loved to write and was pretty good at it. Once I got out of scholl I didn't do it much and just lost my skill and desire to do it. I hope to oneday acheive the standards I set for myself, but until that day I will continue to work at it. The topic was given and I feel as if I did a decent job in expounding on the topic and good job of organizing my material. My vocabulary is of average use, probably no where near the capabilities of the average college student. My grammar and mechanics is of fair condition at the best. I have forgotten all rules and formats of years ago. I struggle with fragments and run-ons, as well as punctuation. after reading my paper I get the overall impression it is average but needs some work. I will continue to strive for greatness and learn as much as possible along the way.

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